Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Strep,Strep I've Got It Again!!!:(

OK first  of I forgot one person in my last post by a mistake it was Presley Martin her b-day is in March well so sorry Presley my mind totally went blank for a little while.

Anyway guess what I've strep throat again!!!!! It is in sane in the the brain! I absolutely dislike having strep! OK so back to the point, it all started Sunday night with bad alergies then it was yesterday morning with everything that you get when you have strep ( fever, sore,sore throat, stomach ache, and head ache)! This morning i woke up and felt awful absolutely terribly awful, so of course i had to stay home from school( the plan was is to just go to school at 8:30 a.m) but i felt so, so bad my parents were like yeah you need to stay home.

Well later this afternoon I was running fever and everything, and man I had the reddest throat. So at like 5:00 we went to the doctor and found out I had strep so yeah.

                           _ CAROLINE BASS

Friday, March 2, 2012

Finally, March!!!

   Hey every one guess what it's March finally!! I guess you are wondering why I am so excited well here's why it's my birthday month,! and tons others! This year for my birthday I'm going to get my ears pierced I can't wait! Also there are tons of other peoples birthday to that I would like to mention, my grandfather, Sophie Brandt, Maleah Jorden, Maggie Jackson, Anna Maack(Maack is spelled correct), and of course me! Happy birthday everyone! Hopefully after my party I can put up some pictures of me getting my ears pierced and the actual birthday! Anyways hope to ear from you soon!
                            - Caroline:)

 P.S my b-day is March 25